Friday, November 14, 2014

Let’s be honest- Is criticizing #national #army justified or the misuse of the term #Freedom of #speech Why we are not discussing the issues of public health: #Polio, #Ebola?

Let’s be honest- Is criticizing #national #army justified or the misuse of the term #Freedom of #speech

Why we are not discussing the issues of public health: #Polio, #Ebola?

By Imran Ghaznavi

One of the renowned journalist posted the link of Mrs. Asma Jahangir‘s television program on facebook, in which she has been seen criticizing  #Pakistan #Army and hitting the institution left right and centre.

“Watch Rare Video of Asma Jahangir Insulting and Abusing Pakistan Army

My argument here is very simple, #Pakistan is the only country where everyone can speak against its own army, can anyone dare to speak against its national army in US, India, UK, Russia, and China etc. I doubt. There must be national laws protecting the sanctity of the national institutions, moreover civil society do understand the importance of their defense establishment and refrain to pickup unnecessary criticism. Issues come up everywhere in the world but those are handled without bringing them out in public and in accordance to the law.

Yes, there may be issues with Pakistani defense establishment in past and will come up in future as well but those have to be resolved in the light of prevailing laws, constitution and norms, most of all in national interest.

#Pakistan army presently is engaged in all dimensions and need national support to crush hostilities on national boarders and international support to eliminate the menace of #extremism and establish peace in terror hit areas.

We have to be honest in criticizing the national institutions, must have valid justification and before going ahead should first answer the question, “are we misusing of the term #Freedom of #speech“ or justified in our maligning of the army. We must understand that the misuse of liberty can have serious consequences for liberty itself.

We all believe in democracy, respect democracy and understand that effective progress and development can only occur in #democracy, but how?,

The democratic philosophy to its core is that the representatives of the citizens honestly and whole heartedly works for the betterment of the public; decide what is good and bad for them on their behalf.

Politician’s primary mandate is the law making in public interest and not to protect their own pity interests. Interest groups or powerful lobbies should not win over or influence the representatives of the public to serve their agendas. It is feared that any form of governance other then democracy can be easily influenced by interest groups and public interest is harmed, so very true.

Now let’s analyze the present political scenario in Pakistan, can we honestly say that the pubic representative or the #government is serving the public in true sense of democracy, you can answer it, better than anyone else, from law making to infrastructure development, to the hiring of professionals for key government positions, to general public sector employment, to disbursement of youth loans, to laptops scheme, grant of transport vehicles etc., nothing is transparent nor in public interest neither government has any business plan or any mechanism to gauge the return on investment (ROI). Has anyone questioned where the money is coming from? This is public money and public ultimately has to foot the bill, we all must understand this.
Another matter of serious concern is that where were the politicians, civil society, media, top TV anchors or the opinion makers in raising concerns over the spread of #polio virus and what are the reasons and issues in vaccination.
Can anyone feel the agony of the parents of more than 250 “children of lesser God*” suffering from poliovirus recently reported? Why the matter was not taken up by relevant authorities of the government in time to avoid this breakout. There are so many other health issues which are killing people every day like “Dangi” “Neglaria” and most recently the “Ebola” – which has yet to cross the boarder – but my question remains there, are we prepared, did our law makers asked the government to declare health emergency. NO

Regarding polio the government should get into the root cause, debate the issue, develop consensus among the political leaders, religious scholars, scientists, opinion makers, highlight what other Muslim countries like #Egypt, #Indonesia, #Malaysia, #Bangladesh etc are doing about #Polio vaccination. What are the issue here and how to overcome them? The recipe is very simple and practical but who will bring wisdom, will and ability to preempt problems affecting the general public.
I am neither favoring the vaccination nor against it, I am trying to put forward the public health issue and someone in the name of #GOD must seriously look into it. 
Dear parliamentarians, #National #Assembly and the Senate is the forum to point out and debate on the public issue and issue a wakeup call to the sleeping government to do good for public instead of asking it for quotas in jobs and development funds, making public appeals for the protection of democracy. What a joke. We all know how reserved seat parliamentarians sell their development funds on 15% to 30% commission.
I think National Accountability Bureau #NAB should immediately conduct an enquiry and make example of those who are or were involved. Anyway let’s not beat about the bush as we know nothing will happen.
The #politicians have to be above board and #honest, must show their true ability to govern in a #transparent and righteous manner, must have heart for poor and downtrodden, feel their pain and serve them with true spirit. They must not bow down on national interest; believe me they will be respected by the Army, world and the common people.

So called liberals criticize army and its role in politics to get space on media or favors of interest groups, have they every realized what is the root cause of theses interventions. My humble advice to them is, in spite of flushing out personal venom and towing the line of interest groups, must realize the situation and understand the need of the hour.

 Strengthen the democracy by dissecting public institutions which are built to bring change and relief in common man’s life, media and civil society must become the watchdog on the performance of public institutions and raise the flag whenever and wherever “wrong” has been done.

If media start picking up social issues effecting general public and stop discussing politics half of the problem is solved.

“Let’s raise our voice for general public and their real issues, expose the wrong doings in the public sector. You can forward the scandals with supporting documents. Can reach me through twitter @ighaznavi, and facebook public profile or email: , LinkedIn profile : Imran Ghaznavi

Key words: #freedomofspeach, #Pakistanarmy, #democracy #Media, #civilsociety, #publicinstitutions #politician #Pakistan

*Children of a Lesser God is a 1986 American romantic drama film directed by Randa Haines and written by Hesper Anderson and Mark Medoff
** References: Photographs are open source and are obtained from the internet. Video footage source Zemtv